The GROBID Web API provides a simple and efficient way to use the tool. A service console is available to test GROBID in a human friendly manner. For production and benchmarking, we strongly recommand to use this web service mode on a multi-core machine and to avoid running GROBID in the batch mode.

Start the server with Gradle

Go under the grobid/ main directory. Be sure that the GROBID project is built, see Install GROBID.

The following command will start the server on the default port 8070:

./gradlew run

(the Gradle process will hang at 88%, this is normal because the web service is ran sharing the same JVM as Gradle)

Install and run the service as standalone application

You could also build and install the service as a standalone service (let's supposed the destination directory is grobid-installation)

./gradlew clean assemble
cd ..
mkdir grobid-installation
cd grobid-installation
unzip ../grobid/grobid-service/build/distributions/
mv grobid-service-0.7.0 grobid-service
unzip ../grobid/grobid-home/build/distributions/

The directory grobid-installation should have the following structure:

├── grobid-home
└── grobid-service

Service checks

You can check whether the service is up and running by opening the following URL:

The service provides also an admin console, reachable at http://yourhost:8071 where some additional checks like ping, metrics, hearthbeat are available. We recommend, in particular to have a look at the metrics (using the Metric library) which are providing the rate of execution as well as the throughput of each entry point.

In addition, Prometheus format export metrics are available at http://yourhost:8071/metrics/prometheus.

Configure the server

If required, modify the file under grobid/grobid-home/config/grobid.yaml for starting the server on a different port or if you need to change the absolute path to your grobid-home (e.g. when running on production). By default grobid-home is located under grobid/grobid-home. grobid-home contains all the models and static resources required to run GROBID.

Model loading strategy

You can choose to load all the models at the start of the service or lazily when a model is used the first time, the latter being the default. Loading all models at service startup will slow down the start of the server and will use more memories than the lazy mode in case only a few services will be used.

For preloading all the models, set the following config parameter to true:

  # for **service only**: how to load the models, 
  # false -> models are loaded when needed (default), avoiding putting in memory useless models but slow down significantly
  #          the service at first call
  # true -> all the models are loaded into memory at the server startup, slow the start of the services and models not
  #         used will take some memory, but server is immediatly warm and ready
  modelPreload: false

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Share)

By default, Grobid allows API access from any origin. The configuration can be modified, for example to restrict origin, methods and header of access, through the YAML configuration file grobid-home/config/grobid.yaml:

  corsAllowedOrigins: ""
  corsAllowedHeaders: "X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Accept,Origin"  

Clients for GROBID Web Services

We provide clients written in Python, Java, node.js using the GROBID PDF-to-TEI conversion Web services for parallel batch processing:

All these clients will take advantage of the multi-threading for scaling PDF batch processing. As a consequence, they will be much more efficient than the batch command lines (which use only one thread) and should be prefered.

Use GROBID test console

On your browser, the welcome page of the Service console is available at the URL http://localhost:8070.

On the console, the RESTful API can be tested under the TEI tab for service returning a TEI document, under the PDF tab for services returning annotations relative to PDF or an annotated PDF and under the Patent tab for patent-related services:

Example of GROBID Service console usage

The services returning JSON results for dynamic PDF annotation purposes can be tested under the PDF tab. The PDF is rendered with PDF.js and the console javascript offers a reference implementation on how to use the returned annotations with coordinates for web application,

Example of GROBID PDF.js annotation

Still to demostrate PDF.js annotation possibilities, by default bibliographical reference for which a DOI (or arXiv ID) is extracted or found by consolidation are made clickable on the original rendered PDF:

Example of GROBID PDF.js clickable annotation based on extraction results

GROBID Web Services

We describe bellow the provided resources corresponding to the HTTP verbs, to use the grobid web services. All url described bellow are relative path, the root url is http://<server instance name>/<root context>

The consolidation parameters (consolidateHeader and consolidateCitations) indicate if GROBID should try to complete the extracted metadata with an additional external call to CrossRef API. The CrossRef look-up is realized based on the reliable subset of extracted metadata which are supported by this API. Each consolidation parameter is a string which can have three values:

  • 0, means no consolidation at all is performed: all the metadata will come from the source PDF
  • 1, means consolidation against CrossRef and update of metadata: when we have a DOI match, the publisher metadata are combined with the metadata extracted from the PDF, possibly correcting them
  • 2, means consolidation against CrossRef and, if matching, addition of the DOI only

PDF to TEI conversion services


Extract the header of the input PDF document, normalize it and convert it into a TEI XML format.

consolidateHeader is a string of value 0 (no consolidation), 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata, default value), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST, PUT multipart/form-data application/xml input required PDF file to be processed
consolidateHeader optional consolidateHeader is a string of value 0 (no consolidation), 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata, default value), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).
includeRawAffiliations optional includeRawAffiliations is a boolean value, 0 (default, do not include raw affiliation string in the result) or 1 (include raw affiliation string in the result).

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the service and the capacities of the server, we suggest 2 seconds for the processHeaderDocument service.

You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance header extraction from a PDF file in the current directory:

curl -v --form input=@./thefile.pdf localhost:8070/api/processHeaderDocument


Convert the complete input document into TEI XML format (header, body and bibliographical section).

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST, PUT multipart/form-data application/xml input required PDF file to be processed
consolidateHeader optional consolidateHeader is a string of value 0 (no consolidation), 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata, default value), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).
consolidateCitations optional consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).
includeRawCitations optional includeRawCitations is a boolean value, 0 (default, do not include raw reference string in the result) or 1 (include raw reference string in the result).
includeRawAffiliations optional includeRawAffiliations is a boolean value, 0 (default, do not include raw affiliation string in the result) or 1 (include raw affiliation string in the result).
teiCoordinates optional list of element names for which coordinates in the PDF document have to be added, see Coordinates of structures in the original PDF for more details
segmentSentences optional Paragraphs structures in the resulting TEI will be further segmented into sentence elements

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the service and the capacities of the server, we suggest 5-10 seconds for the processFulltextDocument service.

The optional sentence segmentation in the TEI XML result is based on the algorithm selected in the Grobid configuration file (under grobid-home/config/grobid.yaml). As of August 2020, available segmenters are OpenNLP sentence detector (recommended for scientific articles after evaluation) and the Pragmatic_Segmenter.

You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance fulltext extraction (header, body and citations) from a PDF file in the current directory:

curl -v --form input=@./thefile.pdf localhost:8070/api/processFulltextDocument

fulltext extraction and add coordinates to the figures (and tables) only:

curl -v --form input=@./12248_2011_Article_9260.pdf --form teiCoordinates=figure --form teiCoordinates=biblStruct localhost:8070/api/processFulltextDocument

fulltext extraction and add coordinates for all the supported coordinate elements (sorry for the ugly cURL syntax on this, but that's how cURL is working!):

curl -v --form input=@./12248_2011_Article_9260.pdf --form teiCoordinates=persName --form teiCoordinates=figure --form teiCoordinates=ref --form teiCoordinates=biblStruct --form teiCoordinates=formula localhost:8070/api/processFulltextDocument

Regarding the bibliographical references, it is possible to include the original raw reference string in the parsed bibliographical result with the parameter includeRawCitations set to 1:

curl -v --form input=@./thefile.pdf --form includeRawCitations=1 localhost:8070/api/processFulltextDocument

Example with requested additional sentence segmentation of the paragraph with bounding box coordinates of the sentence structures:

curl -v --form input=@./0thefile.pdf  --form segmentSentences=1 --form teiCoordinates=s localhost:8070/api/processFulltextDocument


Extract and convert all the bibliographical references present in the input document into TEI XML or BibTeX format.

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST, PUT multipart/form-data application/xml input required PDF file to be processed
consolidateCitations optional consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).
includeRawCitations optional includeRawCitations is a boolean value, 0 (default. do not include raw reference string in the result) or 1 (include raw reference string in the result).

Use Accept: application/x-bibtex to retrieve BibTeX instead of TEI.

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the service and the capacities of the server, we suggest 3-6 seconds for the processReferences service.

You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance extraction and parsing of all references from a PDF in the current directory without consolidation (default value):

curl -v --form input=@./thefile.pdf localhost:8070/api/processReferences

It is possible to include the original raw reference string in the parsed result with the parameter includeRawCitations set to 1:

curl -v --form input=@./thefile.pdf --form includeRawCitations=1 localhost:8070/api/processReferences

Raw text to TEI conversion services


Parse a raw date string and return the corresponding normalized date in ISO 8601 embedded in a TEI fragment.

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST, PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded application/xml date required date to be parsed as raw string

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the service and the capacities of the server, we suggest 1 second for the processDate service.

You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance parsing of a raw date string:

curl -X POST -d "date=September 16th, 2001" localhost:8070/api/processDate

which will return:

<date when="2001-9-16" />


Parse a raw string corresponding to a name or a sequence of names from a header section and return the corresponding normalized authors in TEI format.

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST, PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded application/xml names required sequence of names to be parsed as raw string

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the service and the capacities of the server, we suggest 1 second for the processHeaderNames service.

You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance parsing of a raw sequence of header names string:

curl -X POST -d "names=John Doe and Jane Smith" localhost:8070/api/processHeaderNames

which will return:

<persName xmlns="">
  <forename type="first">John</forename>
<persName xmlns="">
  <forename type="first">Jane</forename>


Parse a raw sequence of names from a bibliographical reference and return the corresponding normalized authors in TEI format.

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST, PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded application/xml names required sequence of names to be parsed as raw string

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the service and the capacities of the server, we suggest 1 second for the processCitationNames service.

You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance parsing of a raw sequence of citation names string:

curl -X POST -d "names=J. Doe, J. Smith and B. M. Jackson" localhost:8070/api/processCitationNames

which will return:

<persName xmlns="">
    <forename type="first">J</forename>
<persName xmlns="">
    <forename type="first">J</forename>
<persName xmlns="">
    <forename type="first">B</forename>
    <forename type="middle">M</forename>


Parse a raw sequence of affiliations/addresses with or without address and return the corresponding normalized affiliations with address in TEI format.

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST, PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded application/xml affiliations required sequence of affiliations+addresses to be parsed as raw string

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the service and the capacities of the server, we suggest 1 second for the processAffiliations service.

You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance parsing of a raw affiliation string:

curl -X POST -d "affiliations=Stanford University, California, USA" localhost:8070/api/processAffiliations

which will return:

    <orgName type="institution">Stanford University</orgName>
        <country key="US">USA</country>


Parse a raw bibliographical reference (in isolation) and return the corresponding normalized bibliographical reference in TEI XML or BibTeX format.

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST, PUT multipart/form-data application/xml citations required bibliographical reference to be parsed as raw string
consolidateCitations optional consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).
includeRawCitations optional includeRawCitations is a boolean value, 0 (default. do not include raw reference string in the result) or 1 (include raw reference string in the result).

Use Accept: application/x-bibtex to retrieve BibTeX instead of TEI.

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the service and the capacities of the server, we suggest 1 second for the processCitation service.

You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance parsing of a raw bibliographical reference string in isolation without consolidation (default value):

curl -X POST -d "citations=Graff, Expert. Opin. Ther. Targets (2002) 6(1): 103-113" localhost:8070/api/processCitation

which will return:

<biblStruct >
            <persName xmlns=""><surname>Graff</surname></persName>
        <title level="j">Expert. Opin. Ther. Targets</title>
            <biblScope unit="volume">6</biblScope>
            <biblScope unit="issue">1</biblScope>
            <biblScope unit="page" from="103" to="113" />
            <date type="published" when="2002" />

Example for BibTeX:

curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/x-bibtex" -d "citations=Graff, Expert. Opin. Ther. Targets (2002) 6(1): 103-113" localhost:8070/api/processCitation

Results in

  author = {Graff},
  journal = {Expert. Opin. Ther. Targets},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {103--113},
  volume = {6},
  number = {1}


Parse a lis of raw bibliographical reference strings and return the corresponding normalized bibliographical references in TEI XML or BibTeX format.

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST multipart/form-data application/xml citations required bibliographical reference to be parsed as a list of raw strings
consolidateCitations optional consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).
includeRawCitations optional includeRawCitations is a boolean value, 0 (default. do not include raw reference string in the result) or 1 (include raw reference string in the result).

Use Accept: application/x-bibtex to retrieve BibTeX instead of TEI.

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the service and the capacities of the server, we suggest 1 second for the processCitationList service.

PDF annotation services


Return JSON annotations with coordinates in the PDF to be processed, relative to the reference information: reference callouts with links to the full bibliographical reference and bibliographical reference with possible external URL.

As the annotations are provided for dynamic display on top a PDF rendered in javascript, no PDF is harmed during these processes !

For information about how the coordinates are provided, see Coordinates of structures in the original PDF.

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST multipart/form-data application/json input required PDF file to be processed, returned coordinates will reference this PDF
consolidateCitations optional consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).
includeRawCitations optional includeRawCitations is a boolean value, 0 (default, do not include raw reference string in the result) or 1 (include raw reference string in the result).
includeFiguresTables optional includeFiguresTables is a boolean value 0 (default, do not include figure and table objects and reference annotations) or 1 (include these annotations).

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the service and the capacities of the server, we suggest 3-6 seconds for the referenceAnnotations service.


Return the PDF augmented with PDF annotations relative to the reference informations: reference callouts with links to the full bibliographical reference and bibliographical reference with possible external URL.

Note that this service modify the original PDF, and thus be careful with legal right and reusability of such augmented PDF! For this reason, this service is proposed for experimental purposes and might be deprecated in future version of GROBID, in favor of the above /api/referenceAnnotations service.

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST multipart/form-data application/pdf input required PDF file to be processed
consolidateCitations optional consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the service and the capacities of the server, we suggest 5-10 seconds for the annotatePDF service.

Citation extraction and normalization from patents


Extract and parse the patent and non patent citations in the description of a patent publication sent as UTF-8 text. Results are returned as a list of TEI citations.

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST, PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded application/xml input required patent text to be processed as raw string
consolidateCitations optional consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).
includeRawCitations optional includeRawCitations is a boolean value, 0 (default. do not include raw reference string in the result) or 1 (include raw reference string in the result).

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the capacities of the server and the size of the input string, we suggest 5-10 seconds for the processCitationPatentTXT service.

You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance parsing of a raw bibliographical reference string in isolation without consolidation (default value):

curl -X POST -d "input=In EP0123456B1 nothing interesting." localhost:8070/api/processCitationPatentTXT

which will return:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <teiHeader />
        <div id="_mWYp9Fa">In EP0123456B1 nothing interesting.</div>
        <div type="references">
                <biblStruct type="patent" status="publication">
                            <orgName type="regional">EP</orgName>
                        <idno type="docNumber" subtype="epodoc">0123456</idno>
                        <idno type="docNumber" subtype="original">0123456</idno>
                            <classCode scheme="kindCode">B1</classCode>
                        <ptr target="#string-range('mWYp9Fa',5,9)"></ptr>


Extract and parse the patent and non patent citations in the description of a patent publication encoded in ST.36. Results are returned as a list of TEI citations.

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST, PUT multipart/form-data application/xml input required XML file in ST36 standard of the patent document to be processed
consolidateCitations optional consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).
includeRawCitations optional for non patent citations, includeRawCitations is a boolean value, 0 (default. do not include raw reference string in the result) or 1 (include raw reference string in the result).

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the capacities of the server and the size of the input document, we suggest 5-10 seconds for the processCitationPatentST36 service.

For non patent citations, it is possible to include the original raw reference string in the parsed result with the parameter includeRawCitations set to 1, for instance:

curl --form input=@/home/lopez/grobid/grobid-core/src/test/resources/s/006271747.xml --form includeRawCitations=1 localhost:8070/api/processCitationPatentST36
<biblStruct >
            <persName xmlns=""><forename type="first">T</forename><forename type="middle">J</forename><surname>Vaughan</surname></persName>
        <title level="j">Nat.Biotech</title>
            <biblScope unit="volume">14</biblScope>
            <biblScope unit="page" from="309" to="314" />
            <date type="published" when="1996" />
    <note type="raw_reference"> Vaughan, T.J. et al., Nat.Biotech., 14:309-314(1996)</note>

<biblStruct >
            <persName xmlns=""><forename type="first">Perkin</forename><surname>Elmer</surname></persName>
            <biblScope unit="volume">1</biblScope>
            <biblScope unit="page">1000</biblScope>
    <note type="report_type">Cat.1244-360</note>
    <note type="raw_reference">Perkin Elmer, Cat.1244-360, 1:1000</note>


Extract and parse the patent and non patent citations in the description of a patent publication sent as PDF. Results are returned as a list of TEI citations. Note that the text layer must be available in the PDF to be processed (which is, surprisingly in this century, very rarely the case with the PDF avaialble from the main patent offices - however the patent publications that can be downloaded from Google Patents for instance have been processed by a good quality OCR).

Extract and parse the patent and non patent citations in the description of a patent encoded in ST.36. Results are returned as a lits of TEI citations.

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST, PUT multipart/form-data application/xml input required PDF file of the patent document to be processed
consolidateCitations optional consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).
includeRawCitations optional for non patent citations, includeRawCitations is a boolean value, 0 (default. do not include raw reference string in the result) or 1 (include raw reference string in the result).

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the capacities of the server and the size of the input document, we suggest 5-10 seconds for the processCitationPatentPDF service.


This service is similar to /api/referenceAnnotations but for a patent document in PDF. JSON annotations relative the the input PDF are returned with coordinates as described in the page Coordinates of structures in the original PDF.

Patent and non patent citations can be directly visualised on the PDF layout as illustrated by the GROBID console. For patent citations, the provided external reference informations are based on the patent number normalisation and relies on Espacenet, the patent access application from the European Patent office. For non patent citation, the external references are similar as for a scientific article (CorssRef DOI link or if an arXiv ID is present).

method request type response type parameters requirement description
POST multipart/form-data application/json input required Patent publication PDF file to be processed, returned coordinates will reference this PDF
consolidateCitations optional consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate and inject all extra metadata), or 2 (consolidate the citation and inject DOI only).

Response status codes:

HTTP Status code reason
200 Successful operation.
204 Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured
400 Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header
500 Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message
503 The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used

A 503 error with the default parallel mode normally means that all the threads available to GROBID are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. The wait time depends on the capacities of the server and the size of the input document, we suggest 5-10 seconds for the citationPatentAnnotations service.

Parallel mode

The Grobid RESTful API provides a very efficient way to use the library out of the box, because the service exploits multithreading.

As Grobid is thread-safe and manages a pool of parser instances, it is advised to use several threads to call the REST service for scaling the processing to large collections of documents. This improves considerably the performance of the services for PDF processing because documents can be processed while other are uploading.

Setting the maximum number of parallel processing is done in the GROBID configuration file grobid-home/config/grobid.yaml. Adjust this number (default 10) following the number of cores/threads available on your server:

  # maximum concurrency allowed to GROBID server for processing parallel requests - change it according to your CPU/GPU capacities
  # for a production server running only GROBID, set the value slightly above the available number of threads of the server
  # to get best performance and security
  concurrency: 10 

The threads in GROBID service are managed as a pool. When processing a document, the service will request a thread from this pool, and release it to the pool after completion of the request. If all the threads present in the pool are used, it is possible to set the maximum amount of time (in seconds) the request for a thread will wait before considering that no thread will be available and return a http code 503 to the client:

  # when the pool is full, for queries waiting for the availability of a Grobid engine, this is the maximum time wait to try 
  # to get an engine (in seconds) - normally never change it
  poolMaxWait: 1

When scaling the service, we think that it is better to maintain this value low (e.g. 1 second) to avoid putting too many open requests on the server.