Notes for the Grobid developers

This page contains a set of notes for the Grobid developers:


With the end of JCenter, the fact that the repo is too large for JitPack and that we are technically not ready to move back to the bureaucratic Maven Central yet, we currently publish the Grobid library artefacts ourselves... with the Grobid DIY repository :) The idea anyway is that people will use Grobid with the Docker image, the service and usually not via the Java library artefacts. If they use the Java library, they will likely simply rebuild from the repo, because in this scenario they will likely want to massage the tool and they need a local grobid-home.

In order to make a new release:

  • tag the project branch to be releases, for instance a version 0.7.1:
> git tag 0.7.1
> git push origin 0.7.1
  • create a github release: the easiest is to use the GitHub web interface

  • do something to publish the Java artefacts... currrently just uploading them on AWS S3

  • you're not done, you need to update the documentation,, and end-to-end benchmarking (PMC and bioRxiv sets).

  • update the usage information, e.g. for Gradlew project:

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url '' }
dependencies {
    implementation 'org.grobid:grobid-core:0.7.1'

for maven projects:

            <name>GROBID DIY repo</name>
  • Update the docker image(s) on DockerHub with this new version (see the GROBID docker page)

  • Ensure that the different GROBID modules are updated to use this new release as indicated above.

Configuration of GROBID module models

Let's say we want to introduce a new model in a Grobid module called newModel. The new model configuration can be expressed as the normal Grobid model in a yaml config file:

  name: "newModel"
  #engine: "wapiti"
  engine: "delft"
    # wapiti training parameters, they will be used at training time only
    epsilon: 0.00001
    window: 30
    nbMaxIterations: 1500
    # deep learning parameters
    architecture: "BidLSTM_CRF"
    #architecture: "scibert"
    useELMo: false
    embeddings_name: "glove-840B"

In the module configuration class, we refer to the existing Grobid config class, for instance in a class NewModuleConfiguration:

package org.grobid.core.utilities;

import org.grobid.core.utilities.GrobidConfig.ModelParameters;

public class NewModuleConfiguration {

   /* other config parameter here */ 

   public ModelParameters getModel() {
        return model;

    public void getModel(ModelParameters model) {
        this.model = model;

For initializing the new model, we simply do the following:

        NewModuleConfiguration newModuleConfiguration = null;
        try {
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory());
            newModuleConfiguration = mapper.readValue(new File("resources/config/config.yml"), NewModuleConfiguration.class);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("The config file does not appear valid, see resources/config/config.yml", e);

        if (newModuleConfiguration != null && newModuleConfiguration.getModel() != null)

The appropriate libraries will be loaded dynamically based on the configuration of the normal Grobid models and this new model.

Unit tests of Grobid Parsers

Sometimes you want to test methods of a grobid parser, without having to instantiate and load the wapiti model. We recommend separating tests that require wapiti models and call them with a name ending with with proper unit tests (using names ending with If you set up a Continuous Integration system, is probably better to exclude integration tests, while they might not work if the grobid-home is properly set up.

You can exclude Integration tests by default in your, by adding:

test {
    exclude '**/**IntegrationTest**'

The DUMMY model (GrobidModels.DUMMY) is an artifact to instantiate a GrobidParser wihtout having the model under the grobid-home.

This is useful for unit test of different part of the parser, for example if you have a method that read the sequence labelling results and assemble into a set of objects.

NOTE: this method unfortunately cannot avoid problems when the Lexicons are used in the parser. A solution for that is that you mock the Lexicon and pass it as method to the parser. Some additional information can be found here.

    public class SuperconductorsParserTest {
    private SuperconductorsParser target;
    private ChemDataExtractorClient mockChemspotClient;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        //Example of a mocked version of an additional service that is passed to the parser
        mockChemspotClient = EasyMock.createMock(ChemDataExtractorClient.class);

        // Passing GrobidModels.DUMMY 
        target = new SuperconductorsParser(GrobidModels.DUMMY, mockChemspotClient);

    public void test1() throws Exception {