GROBID batch mode

For the best performance, benchmarking and for exploiting multithreading, we recommand to use the service mode, see Use GROBID as a service, and not the batch mode. Clients for GROBID services are provided in Python, Java and node.js.

Using the batch

Be sure that the GROBID project is built, see Install GROBID.

Go under the project directy grobid/:

> cd grobid/

The following command display some help for the batch commands:

> java -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-`<current version>`-onejar.jar -h

Be sure to replace <current version> with the current version of GROBID that you have installed and built. For example:

> java -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -h

The available batch commands are listed bellow. For those commands, at least -Xmx1G is used to set the JVM memory to avoid OutOfMemoryException given the current size of the Grobid models and the crazyness of some PDF. For complete fulltext processing, which involve all the GROBID models, -Xmx4G is recommended (although allocating less memory is usually fine).

The so called "GROBID home" in GROBID is the path to grobid-home (by default grobid/grobid-home). Pay attention that it is not the installation path to the full grobid project (e.g. to grobid/). In the following batch command lines, the GROBID home path can be specified with parameters -gH (default is grobid/grobid-home).


'processHeader' batch command will extract, structure and normalise in TEI the header of pdf files. The output is a TEI file corresponding to the structured article header. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -dIn: path to the directory of input PDF files

  • -dOut: path to the output directory (if omitted the current directory)

  • -r: recursive processing of files in the sub-directories (by default not recursive)


> java -Xmx1G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -dIn /path/to/input/directory -dOut /path/to/output/directory -r -exe processHeader 

WARNING: the expected extension of the PDF files to be processed is .pdf


processFullText batch command will extract, structure and normalize in TEI the full text of pdf files. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -dIn: path to the directory of input PDF files

  • -dOut: path to the output directory (if omitted the current directory)

  • -r: recursive processing of files in the sub-directories (by default not recursive)

  • -ignoreAssets: do not extract and save the PDF assets (bitmaps, vector graphics), by default the assets are extracted and saved

  • -teiCoordinates: output a subset of the identified structures with coordinates in the original PDF, by default no coordinates are present

  • -segmentSentences: add sentence segmentation level structures for paragraphs in the TEI XML result, by default no sentence segmentation is done


> java -Xmx4G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -dIn /path/to/input/directory -dOut /path/to/output/directory -exe processFullText 

WARNING: the expected extension of the PDF files to be processed is .pdf


processDate batch command will parse and format in XML/TEI the date given as string input. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -s: the input date to format as raw string


> java -Xmx1G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -exe processDate -s "some date to extract and format"


processAuthorsHeader batch command will parse and format in TEI the authors given in input. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -s: the input header author sequence as raw string


> java -Xmx1G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -exe processAuthorsHeader -s "some authors"


processAuthorsCitation batch command will parse and format in TEI the authors given in input. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -s: the input citation author sequence as raw string


> java -Xmx1G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -exe processAuthorsCitation -s "some authors"


processAffiliation batch command will parse and format in TEI the affiliation/address given in input. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -s: the input affiliation/address as raw string


> java -Xmx1G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -exe processAffiliation -s "some affiliation"


processRawReference batch command will parse and format in TEI the raw bibliographical reference given in input. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -s: the input bibliographical reference in raw text


> java -Xmx1G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -exe processRawReference -s "a reference string"


processRawReference batch command will process, extract and format in TEI all the references in the PDF files present in the directory given in input. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -dIn: path to the directory of input PDF files

  • -dOut: path to the output directory (if omitted the current directory)

  • -r: recursive processing of files in the sub-directories (by default not recursive)


> java -Xmx2G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -dIn /path/to/input/directory -dOut /path/to/output/directory -exe processReferences

WARNING: the expected extension of the PDF files to be processed is .pdf


processCitationPatentST36 batch command will process, extract and format the citations in the patents encoded in ST.36 given in input. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -dIn: path to the directory of input xml files

  • -dOut: path to save the tei results


> java -Xmx1G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -dIn /path/to/input/directory -dOut /path/to/output/directory -exe processCitationPatentST36

WARNING: extension of the ST.36 files to be processed must be .xml


processCitationPatentTXT batch command will process, extract and format the citations in the patents encoded in UTF-8 text given in input. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -dIn: path to the directory of input text files

  • -dOut: path to save the tei results


> java -Xmx1G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -dIn /path/to/input/directory -dOut /path/to/output/directory -exe processCitationPatentTXT

WARNING: extension of the text files to be processed must be .txt, and expected encoding is UTF-8


processCitationPatentPDF batch command will process, extract and format the citations in the patents available in pdf given in input. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -dIn: path to the directory of input pdf files

  • -dOut: path to save the tei results


> java -Xmx1G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -dIn /path/to/input/directory -dOut /path/to/output/directory -exe processCitationPatentPDF

WARNING: extension of the text files to be processed must be .pdf


createTraining batch command will generate the GROBID training data file for all the models from PDF files. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -dIn: path to the directory of input pdf files

  • -dOut: path to save the trained data


> java -Xmx4G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -dIn /path/to/input/directory -dOut /path/to/output/directory -exe createTraining

WARNING: the expected extension of the PDF files to be processed is .pdf


createTrainingBlank batch command will generate a blank GROBID training data file from PDF files, i.e. a TEI file with only text together with the default feature file. This TEI file can be used to start a new model from scratch to be applied directly to a PDF, like a high-level segmentation model. The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -dIn: path to the directory of input pdf files

  • -dOut: path to save the trained data


> java -Xmx4G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -dIn /path/to/input/directory -dOut /path/to/output/directory -exe createTrainingBlank

WARNING: the expected extension of the PDF files to be processed is .pdf


The batch command processPDFAnnotation will annotations add to the PDF. These annotations correspond to the citation information, more precisely PDF "goto" annotations for reference callout in the article text and URL link annotations for the bibliographical section (by default to the DOI registry when the DOI is recognized, to the arXiv articles when the arXiv id is recognised or to the indicated URL if present in the reference).

The needed parameters for that command are:

  • -gH: path to grobid-home directory

  • -dIn: path to the directory of input PDF files

  • -dOut: path to save the PDF result files


>  java -Xmx2G -jar grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-0.7.1-onejar.jar -gH grobid-home -dIn /path/to/input/directory -dOut /path/to/output/directory -r -exe processPDFAnnotation

WARNING: extension of the text files to be processed must be .pdf