Annotation guidelines for affiliation and address


The affiliation-address structure contains an informal description of an author’s present or past affiliation with one organization, for example an employer or a sponsor. It can group up to three elements: the name of the organization (<orgName>), its address (<address>) and an indice (<marker>).

As usually for GROBID models, text that do not belong to one of the left elements, in particular such as punctuations, syntactic sugar, etc. has to be be left untagged. Line break are indicated with <lb>. For example:

    <orgName type="department">Institute of Materials Science</orgName>
    of the 
    <orgName type="institution">Technische Universität Darmstadt</orgName>,
        <addrLine>Petersenstraße 23</addrLine>,

Note that this mark-up follows overall the TEI, which the addition of the custom element <marker>.


Affiliation components

We have selected three levels of organisations, which correspond to the three-tiered system of woS (Web of Science). Each one appear as value of the attribute @type of the element <orgName>:

  • institution: corresponds to the global structure that hosts the author (can be a university or an institute, e.g. MIT, INRIA) - the largest scale of organization type.

  • department: corresponds to a specialized division of the institution mentioned above - intermediate structure of organization type (department, faculty, institute) if there is one.

  • laboratory: corresponds to the research team or group, which the author belongs to (e.g. Joint Research Laboratory Nanomaterials) - the smallest scale of organization type.

Address components

This part contains the postal address of the organization which an author is affiliated to.

Here are the different elements that can be used to structure the address:

  • <addrLine> contains a postal address usually corresponding to a street and street number, or the name of known location for small village, hamlet, ...

  • <postCode> contains a numerical or alphanumeric code used as part of a postal address to simplify sorting or delivery of mail.

  • <postBox> usually contains a numerical code corresponding to the postal box for mail delivery.

  • <settlement> contains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, or village identified as a single geo-political or administrative unit.

  • <region> contains the name of an administrative unit such as a state, province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country.

  • <country> contains the name of a geo-political unit, such as a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superior to a region and smaller than a bloc. Optionally in the training data, the key attribute may be used to identify the country, according to ISO 3166-1 (this attribute is normally used for GROBID output results, but not in training data).


Markers are indice to relate an affiliation to one or several authors. They are tagged with the element <marker>, for example:

        <orgName type="laboratory">Grupo de Polıeros USB</orgName>,
        <orgName type="department">Departamento de Ciencia de los Materiales</orgName>,
        <orgName type="institution">Universidad Sim on Bolıar</orgName>,
            <postBox>Apartado 89000</postBox>,
        <orgName type="institution">University of Bath</orgName>,
            <addrLine>Claverton Down</addrLine>,
            <postCode>BA2 7AY</postCode>,

Multiple institutions or multiple departments

This case typically corresponds to the affiliation of a joint laboratory. Use the “key” attribute to identify the different institutions (or departments), which the joint laboratory belongs to.

Example: Joint Research Laboratory Nanomaterials, which is a joint laboratory of the Technische Universität Darmstadt and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

    <orgName type="laboratory">Joint Research Laboratory Nanomaterials</orgName>,
    <orgName type="institution" key="instit1">Technische Universität Darmstadt</orgName> and
    <orgName type="institution" key="instit2">Karlsruhe Institute of Technology</orgName>
        <addrLine> Petersenstrasse 23</addrLine>, 
        <country>Germany </country>

Laboratory with several names

In the case of a laboratory described by several names (that's often the case for the UMR of French CNRS), we use a procedure similar to above.

Example: GREMI, also named UMR 6606, a joint laboratory of CNRS and Université d’Orléans

    <orgName type="laboratory" key="lab1">GREMI</orgName>, 
    <orgName type="laboratory" key="lab1">UMR 6606</orgName>,
    <orgName type="institution" key="instit1">CNRS</orgName>, 
    <orgName type="institution" key="instit2">Université d'Orléans</orgName>
        <addrLine>14, rue d'Issoudun</addrLine>,
        <postBox>BP 6744</postBox>,
        <settlement>Orléans cedex 2</settlement>,