Install a GROBID development environment

Getting the GROBID project source

For building GROBID yourself, a JDK must be installed on your machine. We tested the tool successfully from JDK 1.11 up version JDK 1.17. Other recent JDK versions should work correctly.

Note: Java/JDK 8 is not supported anymore from Grobid version 0.8.0 and the minimum requirement for Java is JDK 1.11.

Latest stable release

The latest stable release of GROBID is version 0.8.0 which can be downloaded as follow:

> wget
> unzip

or using the docker container.

Current development version

The current development version is 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT, which can be downloaded from GitHub and built as follow:

Clone source code from github:

> git clone

Or download directly the zip file:

> wget
> unzip master

Build GROBID from the source

Please make sure that Grobid is installed in a path with no parent directories containing spaces.

Build GROBID with Gradle

The standard method for building GROBID is to use gradle. Under the main directory grobid/:

> ./gradlew clean install

By default, tests are ignored, und das ist auch gut so. If you really want to run the tests when building the project, use:

> ./gradlew clean install test

Building through a proxy

In case you are working through a proxy, you need to set the proxy information in the file grobid/ by adding the following lines with the proper proxy parameters:


Use a built GROBID project

From there, the easiest and most efficient way to use GROBID is the web service mode. You can also use the tool in batch mode or integrate it in your Java project via the Java API.